Sauté onions and zucchini in olive oil until just soft. Add crushed garlic, basil, salt and pepper and sauté a few more minutes. Remove from heat and cool.
In a separate bowl, beat eggs and milk. Add spinach, cheese, parsley and bread crumbs. Combine with zucchini mixture and placed in well greased baking dish.
Bake uncovered in 350 (F) oven for 30 to 40 minutes or until frittata is puffed and golden.
At the 2006 Amalfi Event Reunion, we were all standing around the open kitchen area at the Berno House in Christina Lake. Stella and Geoff Crampton started to assemble the frittata. It looked good as they were making it and the taste was not let down. Served with the "Porchetta, the famous Italian roast" this was quite the meal. Here, above some 12 years later we still enjoy a good party!